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Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education

The PSHE curriculum for Years 7-13 at Ringwood School is constantly reviewed and updated in line with government guidance and in response to the challenges our students face in today’s society.

The Department for Education announced changes to relationships and sex education (RSE) in June 2019: The Ringwood School curriculum fully complies with these expectations and our Relationships and Sex Education policy can be found in the policies section of our website.

Ringwood School is a member of the PSHE Association and our curriculum is written using their guidance, to ensure all statutory elements are incorporated. More information on the content of the curriculum can be found by clicking here.

The aim of the Curriculum

The aim of the PSHE curriculum at Ringwood School is to develop students’ understanding of the world they live in, enabling them to live healthy and happy lives both now and in the future. Students receive one lesson of PSHE per fortnight in all years (7-13).

The curriculum is designed to facilitate independent thinking through interactive discussions, external speakers and thought-provoking questions. In lessons, students are provided with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge of the issues they face, so they can make independent informed choices that support fundamental British Values.

Lessons may include topics that are of a sensitive or controversial nature, the purpose of which is to allow students to understand and explore ‘real’ world issues. Further details of some topics will be sent to parents and carers closer to the time to ensure you have the opportunity to discuss the content with your child ahead of the lesson, if you wish to. This also gives you the opportunity to alert your child’s PSHE teacher if there is a particular sensitivity.

In addition to the guidance provided by the PSHE Association, the following websites also provide valuable resources and information (this is not an exhaustive list). We regularly signpost our young people to these resources to equip them with the skills and information required to make their own informed choices, and they are useful for parents too.