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Ringwood School is an Academy and as such is its own Admissions Authority. To apply for a school place outside the normal round of admissions (a normal round application is completed for September in either Year 7 or 12) please complete the form on the website, giving as much detail as you can.

Upon receipt of your application the School will endeavour to reply to you with an outcome, in writing, within 10 school days ( and definitely within 15 school days). If we are not able to admit your child into our school, your outcome letter will explain the reason for this and will explain how you can appeal the decision. If you wish to appeal you must set out your grounds for appeal in writing. We will also give you the option of joining the waiting list. Where a place is offered it is expected that your child will start school as soon as possible.

If multiple applications arrive or if the school is holding a waiting list, priority will be established upon the basis of the over-subscription criteria stated in the Main School Admissions Policy.

These are:

  1. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after (see (a) in Definitions).
  2. This criteria is not relevant for in-year admissions.
  3. Children of members of staff who have been employed at the school (see (b) in Definitions) on a permanent contract for a minimum of two years or more years at the time of which their application for admission to the school is made or have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
  4. Children who at the time of application have a sibling (see (c) in Definitions) on the roll of the school who will still be on roll at the time of admission.
  5. Children who live within the school’s catchment area (see (d and e) in Definitions) AND are on the roll of linked junior / primary schools: Ringwood Junior School, Poulner Junior School, Burley County Primary School, Sopley Primary School, Bransgore Church of England Primary School and St. Ives Primary School. The inclusion of linked primary/junior schools is to facilitate curriculum continuity in our partnership of schools.
  6. Children who live outside the school’s catchment area (see (d and e) in Definitions) AND are on the roll of linked junior / primary schools: Ringwood Junior School, Poulner Junior School, Burley County Primary School, Sopley Primary School, Bransgore Church of England Primary School and St. Ives Primary School.
  7. All other children.

We can provide a hard copy of this information and the in-year application form upon request for those who do not have access to the internet.