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The learning support department at Ringwood School is fondly known as The Hive and it has a hard-earned reputation for striving to meet the needs of local young people with SEND in mainstream education. 

At Ringwood School, ‘pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the curriculum with the appropriate support. High standards and expectations and strong relationships with teachers enable all pupils to achieve well’ (OFSTED Report November 2022).

"During our EHCP review meetings we feel listened to and supported, we know Ringwood School really care and have our daughters' best interests at heart. Outside of the meetings the team always make time to respond to messages, adjust timetables and for this we are so grateful.”

In our last OFSTED inspection, inspectors found, ‘teachers know how to identify pupils’ needs quickly. They make effective use of information provided about pupils with SEND. The needs of these pupils are met well in and out of class. They, along with their peers, make good progress through the planned curriculum and attain well in external examinations.’ (OFSTED Report November 2022).

"The SEND Team has a very clear overview of my child's strengths and areas for development. Members of the Team have been in regular contact with me to explain what the intervention will cover, how progress is measured and what we can do at home to provide further support."

Our staff have experience of working with students with a diverse range of additional needs and delivering effective interventions to support learning. Classroom support is of high quality and both teachers and teaching assistants have ongoing professional training in SEND.

"The interventions have not only enhanced my child’s subject knowledge and ability to apply key skills but she is also more confident in herself as a learner. This is testament to the staff who deliver the interventions, it really makes a difference.”

We value open communication between School and home as experience shows us the key to a child’s success is collaborative working between families, staff, and outside agencies We work closely with a range of advisors and professionals who provide us with specialist advice to help young people maximise their development in school academically, socially and emotionally. As well as being future-focused, we value the work of our primary colleagues and the transition between different settings is thorough; ensuring that we are aware of support received by the young person during their formative years.  We hold parent surgeries one morning and one afternoon a week. If you would like to speak with a member of the SEN team, please, book in by emailing .

I would like to say, from a child that was part time educated during primary education due to her additional needs we were convinced that no mainstream secondary would be able to provide the support she needed to flourish. But here we are, two years into her time at Ringwood school standing corrected. Our previously school phobic autistic daughter is thriving. The support we receive from the school is second to none and they have put in place suitable supportive interventions to ensure she feels safe, supported and confident at school.”

Click here for our SEN Policy and Information Report and Accessibility Plan.

Click here for Hampshire’s Local Offer.

Useful websites with information to support your child at home:

Dyslexia - British Dyslexia Association (

Home | Autism Hampshire

Home (

Hampshire SENDIASS | Impartial SEND Advice & Support

National Autistic Society (

Parents & Carers – CAMHS (

Parenting and Family Support - Family Lives (Parentline Plus) | Family Lives

Tourettes Action (