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Parents and Teachers Association (PTA)
If you are the parent, carer or grandparent of someone at Ringwood School, we need you! The PTA is a great way to get involved with the school, meet new people and socialise.

What does the PTA do?
We provide volunteers for school events and we raise money for the Social Enrichment Fund. It’s not the same as a primary school PTA.

What sort of volunteering is involved?
Usually, just an hour or two now and then. It might involve serving refreshments at a school event, helping with the ‘New2You’ clothes sale at a parents’ evening or attending a meeting. Some volunteers like to attend meetings, others prefer to give practical help when it’s needed.

How often does the PTA meet?
We usually meet once every half term in a local pub. The Annual General Meeting is held in September on the school premises.

What fundraising does the PTA do?
-Provides refreshments at school concerts & productions
-A Quiz Night every January
-Year 7 discos
-Runs the 50/50 Club

What is the Social Enrichment Fund?
This is a special fund managed by the PTA which pays for all kinds of things, depending on what’s needed. It has funded or helped fund minibuses, equipment, school productions, places on school trips and support for individual students in need, among other things.


You can find out more about us on Facebook or email

Parent Teacher Association
Chair: Hugh Paton
Vice Chair: Vacant

Treasurer: Alison Hawkes
Secretary: Vacant

Charity Number: 1063421