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Student Leadership

Student Leadership provides all students with the opportunity to share in the planning, execution and evaluation of activities within the context of learning and teaching, charities and community spirit, student health and welfare and to develop their role as young citizens.

In School

Each of our five Houses has Leadership posts in three key areas. A Charity Captain, who has the responsibility for helping choose our charities that we support, as well as organising events to raise awareness and funds for these charities. A Sports Captain, who has responsibility for running sports and team events throughout the year, harnessing team spirit amongst their houses. A House Captain, who has responsibility for organising House Events during the year to promote the House Values of being curious, being determined, dreaming big, making no excuses and embracing opportunities. To complement our 6th Form Leadership Team we mirror these posts in Year 8 and 10 and students from these years share the responsibility in each of the three areas. Once selected these students receive dedicated training on leadership styles and methods to ensure they gain the necessary confidence and skills to bring their wonderful ideas to fruition.

We value the opinion of students and their creative ideas.  We seek the ideas of all students through Student Voice sessions as well as through debate in tutor sessions and PSHE. Students in all year groups are given the opportunity to have posts of responsibility in their tutor groups. As a school we seize opportunities for students to get involved. A Fresher’s Fair each September allows students to see the range of clubs on offer and meet older students who share their passion. There are any number of opportunities for all students to get involved in school life: principal students (who help subject leaders), prefects; tour guides, sports leaders, sessions for older students thinking about going into teaching, peer mentors and debating club.

Students who apply for a role on the Student Leadership Team in Sixth Form, are interviewed and selected in Year 12 to take on a leading role within their House. Once they have demonstrated commitment to these roles, students from this wider group are then able to apply for the senior positions of Principal Student as they move into Year 13.

Out of School

Students have a number of opportunities to get involved with the local and wider community, helping to develop their understanding of the world beyond school. Members of the Student Leadership Team meet regularly with members of the Town Council. This ensures that young people have a voice in decisions that affect them.  The Student Leadership Team often support the Town Council with local events. Working with organisations like the Lions and Rotary Clubs, enables students to enter an adult world and be recognised for the charitable work they do at a local, national and international level.

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